This was the second attempt at this photography session at my home/studio in Middletown, MD G. is pretty much my boys BFF and last time we attempted to combine a photography session and a play date and it just did not work out.
Don't get me wrong, I am usually far more professional than this, but sometimes when you are working with friends, especially friends who live an hour away, scheduling a session gets tricky (plus sometimes us moms like to have time to hang out with the kiddos) .
This session was done while G. and Cooper were at preschool and Even though I had Cass with me he was quite happy to help out setting up my photography equipment, entertain baby S., eat cold pizza and watch a show while I did the photo shoot.
The photograph above is Baby S. Wearing her mom's old baby dress!
It's not typical to get sleepy shots of a 2 month old baby, but Baby S. decided she was over her modeling session and it was time for a snooze in mommy's arms.
And we finish with my obligatory mommy/ baby image! These are the shots that are nearest and dearest to my heart:)
Jennifer Riley Photography
4613 Feldspar Road
Middletown MD 21769
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